Different ways to make your drawing (lines) exact.
1. Plumb Line
-a cord from which a metal weight is suspended pointing directly to the earth's center of gravity;used to determine the vertical from a given point
How to use the Plumb Line:
-hold out your pencil at arms length straight out (perpendicular), find a point on what you're drawing, close one eye and see if things in your drawing line up the way they do in the thing that you're drawing
2. Level Line
-a line whose points are at the same elevation
How to use the Level Line:
-just like the Plumb Line except horizontal
3. Transferring Angles (Dropping)
-Find an angle, hold pencil (not too far away from your face), line up pencil with the angle you are trying to transfer, lock wrist in place, slowly move the pencil to your paper (keep eyes on pencil) and check your angle
4. Comparative Measurement (Proportions)
-Comparing different parts of the subject to other parts in the drawing. Helps when trying to figure out the height of something compared to the width, etc.
How to use Comparative Measurement:
-Hold out pencil at arms length, close one eye, line up one end of your pencil with the edge of what you're measuring, move your thumb to the edge of the opposite side of the object (in order to know the distance), compare height and width, etc. with the measurement
-Example: if the height of your object is twice the width then compare it to your drawing. The height of the object on your paper should be twice the width
-Using this can be confusing at first and hard to understand but once you grasp the concept and pay attention to what you're doing it is a very helpful/useful technique